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'Your Personal Color Solutions' Products

No colour consultation is complete without giving the client a colour swatch and information on what has been taught to take home.

Our colour swatches and accompanying manuals are made from high quality materials and each colour swatch contains 60 colours and can be 100% personalised for a client. In addition each swatch has a corresponding 38 page, full colour manual that can be printed for on-the-spot for the client, or emailed to them.

The information gained by the client during a colour consultation will give them the all information they require to easily adapt the information into their daily lives; making shopping for clothes, accessories and make-up hassle free and effective.

When personalising a swatch for a client II/TAIC have developed an easy to use set of 'consultant colour continuum' charts that detail the Temperature, Intensity and Value of every colour to help you ensure the colours you select are perfect for the client. At this time we have over 302 colours to choose from.

Consultations are designed to take approximately 90 minutes.

Swatch Details 

Each swatches measures 9cm(L) x 4cm(W) x 2.5cm(D) 3½"(L) x 1 ½"(W) x 1"(D)

There are 12 base swatch types: Cool and Clear, Cool, Clear and Bright, Cool, Clear and Dark, Cool and Muted, Cool, Muted and Light, Cool, Muted and Soft. Warm and Clear, Warm, Clear and Light, Warm, Clear and Bright, Warm and Muted, Warm, Muted and Soft, Warm, Muted and Dark.

We have male and female versions of each swatch. The female version has all the colours arranged as per the colour wheel and the male swatch has colours arranged into; dress shirts, suit, pants and jackets, casual wear and ties.

Swatches are printed on high quality paper using and using quality inks.

Each swatch contains 60 colours and 3 information chips in the front. The design allows for each colour to be placed next to any other colour to compare colours and to find colours that are  between both colours.

Each swatch has interesting and useful information on the back:

  • Boxes for ticking if the colour is an Enhancer or Intensifier
  • Name of Colour
  • Temperature of Colour
  • Wardrobe Design: Core, Basic, Accent, Universal
  • Psychological Impact
  • Lifestyle

Swatches and accompanying full colour manuals may be branded to your business with full colour personalised covers for an additional modest fee.

Red or black swatch bags are also available to house the swatch in.

Accompanying Colour Manuals 

38 page, full colour male and female manuals have been written to accompany each colour swatch. Consultants are emailed the files upon their first order of swatches. These can be either printed in-house for a client or emailed to them to print at home.

Drape Sets

Our drape sets have been specially dyed and manufactured to ensure the analysis process is as clear and easy as possible.Each set contains 60 drapes ( x ) which are divided into five sets. Our drape set has been created with you, the consultant in mind.

Our drapes require no fumbling looking for colours from one set to use in another. As you are finished with one set you fold it and put it away. If a colour is needed in another set it is also provided in the second set.

Drape sets come with full instructions and have an optional bag that you can purchase to keep them clean and tidy.


The Adria Image Academy is the only professional Image Academy in the Adria Region.  We offer internationally certified image consultant training and products of the highest quality. As the Master License holders for the Adria region we are proudly backed by The Australian Company / Image innovators, which is the largest image company in the southern hemisphere and one of the leading image companies in the world.